
The following opportunities are either volunteer or include a small stipend. All of these opportunities will help students gain valuable leadership experience.



一年级的家伙 are upper-class students who live in first-year residence halls to increase first-year student academic success through coaching and mentoring. They further serve as guides to connect students to appropriate academic resources on campus; they provide tips and education to assist in the academic preparedness and acclimation of first-year students to college life. 

作为项目的一部分, all 一年级的家伙 live in a single room in a first year living area and will receive a $500 stipend that is paid in two installments ($250 each) to term bills, 一次在秋季学期,另一次在春季学期. 学生可以通过电子邮件联系一年级澳门威尼斯人网上赌场freshmanfellows@gmail.com



D 'Lions

D 'Lions标志.

The D’Lion organization was founded in 1957-58 and is one of the oldest, 持续不断的校园学生组织. It has a proud history of supporting students and engaging in community service with the City of Rochester.

The D 'Lions live throughout first-year areas and help to make students living in these areas feel like the 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 is home. 我们的 使命宣言: D 'Lions of the 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 helps first-year students acclimate to college through building relationships and connecting students to community resources and events for a balanced college experience. 看看我们的Instagram @罗彻斯特dlions吧. 

We are happy to share that the opportunity to become a D’lion is here! 应用程序是实时的!  


来了解更多信息,并了解当前的D 'Lions在我们的 见面问候 on 2月3日中午12点到下午1点 in 弗莱尔在休息室 位于苏珊B安东尼宿舍楼.

有疑问的学生可以联系D'Lions Rochesterdlions@gmail.com 或者他们的顾问瑞安·帕拉斯 rpallas@ur.罗彻斯特.edu



The 上层阶级EcoReps are a group of students on campus with a passion for sustainability who participate in a one-credit class during the semester as well as engaging with our first-year program and other environmental organizations on campus. The Upper-Class EcoRep program allows students to continue engaging with sustainability throughout their collegiate career through in-class lectures, 活动, 以及全年由学生主导的项目. 

The 上层阶级EcoReps also serve as student mentors to the First Year program and have the option of focusing on environmental education or project-based learning on separate tracks. If you are interested in learning about new topics within sustainability, 与同事进行有意义的讨论, and developing leadership skills as an ambassador for sustainability on campus, 考虑申请“上流生态”课程!

如果您对这个项目有任何疑问,请澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 urecoreps@gmail.com 或浏览 EcoRep网站.



The RHA serves to represent residence halls and all on-campus students by developing leaders and maintaining an inclusive community through co-sponsorship, 学生的认可, 以及额外的支持服务. We work closely with Hall Council and the 特别利益房屋 organizations.

We promote and support advocacy within residential life organizations to improve the quality of the undergraduate residential experience.

We work with residential life to ensure standardization and efficiency of processes between residential life and residential life organizations.

If you have any questions about RHA or would like to apply please contact leadershipga@ur.罗彻斯特.edu 或浏览 RHA网站.


The 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 has seven student-led Area Leadership councils. Each council is served by student leadership representatives who are dedicated to enhancing the community and the residents' living and learning experience through intentional programming efforts. They also act as an advocate on behalf of the hall to improve the living conditions in their community.

There will be two leadership council members per residential council who serves as a connection between the 宿舍楼协会 and the leadership ambassador’s residential community to make on-campus life ever better.

地区委员会是你领导你生活的地方的机会! Each area on campus has an Area Council that is dedicated to enhancing the community experience within the residence halls through planning events and advocating for hall improvements. 职责包括:

  • 出席大会(每周)
  • 参加指定(或指定)委员会(每周一次)
  • 负责一个大的,区域性的项目
    • Will meet with advisor weekly during this semester until the event is over.
  • Meeting no less than bi-weekly with advisor all year to discuss how to increase spirit and appreciation of the area.
    • 实施一项精神/认可计划(i.e.、商品项目、大厅美化、壁画创作等.)每年
    • Upper-class areas will help advertise their area during housing selection.
  • Attending one RA staff meeting (for each staff if multiple) as necessary to get RA feedback on sprit, 识别, 倡导*
  • Assisting with RA’s large-scale programs in the area (optional)

Students who are nominated will receive their application via email. 学生必须在9月初提交申请. All accepted students must be able to attend the mandatory leadership training.

Students who are interested in becoming leadership ambassadors can 在线申请. 应用程序是 关闭 2023-2024学年.