
As many as 15 seniors are able to devote their entire final year of study at the University to work on a single intellectual project—a year-long independent study. The project can be a scientific investigation, 学术上的努力, 一件艺术品, 创意写作, 电影制作, or any other proposal that engages the imaginative and intellectual faculties students have been developing at Rochester. The project must be composed and carried out under the supervision of a faculty advisor or advisors and does not have to be related to, 或者一部分, 学生的专业.

Although senior scholars are not required to take courses, the project can include coursework in addition to independent study. The project will carry a minimum of 16 and a maximum of 32 credits, and must be capable of being completed by the end of the senior year.

The Senior Scholars project can be a part of the major, with the consent of the major department.

If you’re interested in becoming a Senior Scholar, you should part planning as soon as possible. Discuss your ideas with a faculty member (or members) whom you would like as an advisor for your project.


All 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 students are eligible to apply to the program. Students must have applied to the 高级澳门威尼斯人网上赌场澳门威尼斯人网上赌场计划 and received an offer of acceptance from the Senior Scholars Review Board. 应用程序包括:

申请截止日期不迟于 大三的4月1日.


Students need to sign up for the appropriate CASC 397: Senior Scholars Program course each semester during senior year; they will register for the CASC 397 course that has their supervising faculty advisor listed as the course instructor.

They are responsible for knowing the requirements of the 高级澳门威尼斯人网上赌场澳门威尼斯人网上赌场计划 and adhering to all program deadlines. They will maintain regular contact with their supervising faculty advisor and be proactive in alerting them to anticipated problems or concerns.


The role of the faculty advisor is to assist a student in the development and fulfillment of their proposed Senior Scholars Project. The faculty advisor will be responsible for supervising the student and their independent research (CASC 397) throughout the senior year fall and spring. The faculty advisor will be listed as the course instructor for a CASC 397 course.

To ensure that the goals and workload are carried out successfully, faculty are encouraged to meet regularly with their student during the semester to discuss the subject matter, 回顾学业进展, 提供建设性的反馈.


Every approved senior scholar has their own CASC 397 course. Students should register for the CASC 397: Senior Scholars Program course that has their faculty advisor listed as the instructor. Students will also want to confirm that the number of credit hours for CASC 397 is correct.

在申请时, Senior Scholars choose either 8 credit hours or 16 credit hours per semester.


Faculty advisors and students should discuss grading criteria at the beginning of each semester. Faculty have the prerogative to assign the final letter grade. Performance measures that can be considered include:

  • 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场过程
  • 概念知识及应用
  • 基准测试了
  • 最终产品

The final letter grade is entered by the faculty advisor.



Senior Scholars must submit a three- to five-page update on their project to the 多学科澳门威尼斯人网上赌场中心 in Morey 206. Faculty advisors must sign the update before it is submitted for it to be considered complete.

This progress update will be reviewed by the Senior Scholars Review Board.


The final project must be submitted to the faculty advisor no later than four Fridays before commencement. For the 2019–20 academic year, commencement weekend begins Friday, May 15, 2020. Project completion is due no later than Friday, April 17, 2020.